btn Added: September 15, 2014 23:04 | Modified: October 14, 2014 11:08 btn btn
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The Fryderyk Chopin Museum

Call for participation


We are delighted to announce the opening of call for proposals for anyone interested in speaking at the NODEM 2014 Conference “Engaging Spaces – Interpretation, Design and Digital Strategies”. We invite submissions of proposals that deal with issues of crossing boundaries and creating links between experience design, architecture, ICT, digital strategies and interpretative content to explore critical aspects of visitor engagement. Proposals are welcomed from museum professionals and researchers in digital media, interaction design, museum and communication studies, as well as designers, developers and producers in the field of experience technology or people with special interest in the field. All submissions will undergo a review process.


The program committee is looking for proposals on the following session themes:



NODEM 2014 invites contributions in five categories:
A // Academic Research or Project Presentations
B // Non-Academic Research or Project Presentations
C // Non-Commercial Demonstrations
D // Posters
E // Commercial Demonstration

Please refer to the Submission guidelines and Speaker guidelines sections for detailed instructions.