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NODEM was established in 2003 by the research studio Visions for Museums at the Interactive Institute and supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Between 2010 and 2011, NODEM is developing to become a larger international conference networking platform called NODEM INTERNATIONAL, which will be acting in Nordic countries and beyond, and will be building a digital platform for archiving, collaboration and community building. In the future we intend to connect research and practice in the field of digital cultural heritage in Nordic countries and other international arenas as well.

NODEM is an interdisciplinary conference forum that connects various disciplines and professions related to digital cultural heritage:


NODEM creates arenas for exchanges of experiences, best practices, and research aspects on the use of digital media in communicating with visitors and audiences, at museums, galleries, and heritage attractions.

NODEM connects professionals and researchers e.g. exhibition designers, media producers, educators, engineers, artists and ICT developers from Universities and R & D institutes, museums, heritage sites, industry, galleries, science and discovery centers, cultural/natural heritage sites and similar organizations that will benefit from participation and exchanges related to issues of digital cultural heritage.


NODEM focuses on building multidisciplinary arenas related to digital cultural heritage. This includes various perspectives and approaches from:


NODEM Design Manual