The Culture KICK network’s general outcome encourages different groups to collaborate on problems/aspects that have potentially sustainable practical applications in achieving innovations in digital cultural heritage and design. Culture KICK focuses on sustainable technical, design-related and interpretative solutions, conceptual frameworks and design methods for mutual benefit between research and practice.
Culture KICK aims to become a platform for cultural heritage and the creative industry sector in which learning and research can be shared and developed in partnership with others.
Culture KICK networking activities involve representatives from RTDs, SMEs and cultural heritage organizations, and leverage prominent cultural heritage conferences such as NODEM (Nordic Digital Excellence in Museums) for discussions on applying and managing innovative design research and practical new technology. These events will result in policy recommendations and the solidifying of actions and next steps to support digital cultural heritage knowledge sharing and preservation.
The NODEM Digital Repository will be a tool for presentation of case studies and projects, and a source to reach Nordic academic or professional communities in the DCH field. Within the connecting platform, users will find state-of-the-art projects with descriptions and demos that document diverging approaches to design within digital heritage communication.
Presentations collected from NODEM conferences 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2013 provide an accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive archive of Nordic design-based and innovative projects in the CH field.
The Culture KICK connecting platform aims to support those working in digital CH by providing avenues for professionals to connect and access cutting edge information. It will be a central online resource for the digital CH sector that pools knowledge and resources from the network and reduces duplication of effort.
The online platform will be continuously updated by contributors.. The website is maintained by the Interactive Institute Swedish ICT. The platform will have different levels of security and be editorially moderated.
We have initiated collaborations with partners from media studies and ICT based learning, and from CH institutions to collect research outputs and creative industry solutions into publications and ultimately provide open access to research results to museum professionals. The know-how publication will focus on how to introduce research results and creative industry solutions to museum professionals while the journal focuses on new forms of collaboration in research related to design.
Know-How Books
Inspired by the concepts developed by the EU Network of Excellence EPOCH network partners, the Culture KICK network will produce 3-5 Know-how Books (depending on the volume) that act as a bridge between research findings and everyday practice for people working in the cultural heritage sector and creative industry.
The books illustrate case studies and prototypes presented in workshops, and aim to support people working in museums, heritage sites, monuments, CH managers, exhibition producers/curators, pedagogues and professionals engaged in restoration, site management and preservation, as well as those responsible for communication to different audiences and the public at large. All the books in the series will be provided in hard copy and electronic versions, with the latter being made available to a wider audience online.
The Interactive Institute Swedish ICT acts as coordinator, editor and publisher of the Know-how Books series for Culture KICK. So far, we have established 2 working groups for case studies of know-how books:
Group Leaders: Halina Gottlieb, Interactive Institute Swedish ICT + Hans Öjmyr, The Stockholm City Museum / Sweden
Working Team: Gabriela Alina Sauciuc, Arezzo Ariany, Matthias Andersson, Sally Pang, Emilia Alvarez Nordström, Silvia Istudor and Christoffer Gottlieb.
Group Leaders: Mariana Salgado, Head of the Master in Business Administration in User Centered Design, Laurea University of Applied Sciences + Maria Koskijoki, Director of Helina Rautavaara museum / Finland
Working Team: Hans Öjmyr, Halina Gottlieb, Silvia Istudor and Christoffer Gottlieb.
The journal Digital Creativity 25:3 Special Issue: Designing for creative communication in museums and cultural institutions focused on new forms of collaboration in research related to design and it included five contributions from the Culture KICK Network:
Smørdal, O., Stuedahl, D. & Sem, I. 2014.: Experimental zones: Two cases of exploring frames of participation in a dialogic museum
Dindler, C. 2014: Designing infrastructures for creative engagement
Smith, R., Iversen, O. 2014: Designing dialogic sites for heritage engagement
Varvin, G., Fauskerud, H., Klingvall, I., & Stafne-Pfisterer, L. 2014: The journey as concept for digital museum design